Summer offer

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The accessible book collection

Available to individuals

Who's it for?
Families with children aged 5 to 17 who want to develop their reading skills while having fun during the summer months.

What is the collection?
The collection consists of 50 digital books in FROG (FRee your cOGnition) format. This range of accessible books enables children to read independently, boosting their confidence in their reading skills and fostering a positive experience with books.


LIREEDOO ÉTÉ collection

We've put together a summer collection for ages 5 to 17. Fun, light books for a great summer!

Download on the App Store: Link will open in a new window Get it on Google Play: Link will open in a new window


ice king

The FROG format

The FROG format was developed to ease the cognitive load of people with DYS disorders. Inspired by speech therapy methods, it includes assistive features to facilitate orientation and attention, reading and comprehension. The intuitive interface allows readers to read independently while customizing their reading experience for greater comfort.

These publishers accompany the LIREEDOO ÉTÉ collection

We work with publishers in Canada and France to bring you collections that are close to your needs.

logo-livre-de-pochelogo-les-4-coupslogo-adalogo-chouettelogo-plaineslogo-inhabitlogo-malinslogo-zaileeslogo-rageotlogo-thierry-magnierLogo Éditions Talents Hauts